Friday, January 15, 2010

A Party To Remember: Friendship

Last year brought me into the graces of some extraordinary women and who to this day I call friends and who I hold extremely close to heart. With the birth of a new year, I saw my birthday in the company of these exquisite ladies. Some were new friends and some were old, especially my original Pagan friend Seven who I attended the very first Witchcraft Discussion Group here in Bundaberg in 2001. There was much anticipation with the coming to this 'Party' the entire week, one with my darling sister and bestie teasing me about the extraordinary gift she had bought for me. And coming up with a theme to this outrageous evening: the theme being exactly that, OUTRAGEOUS. So, with the teasing of this monolithic pressie and the gathering of attire and costume, my week building up to my Birthday Bash was extremely exciting. I believe the last party I had for my birthday was as a child back in New Zealand; and although I thought those parties were super awesome: they were nothing compared for what was yet to come.

Friday rolled around... actually, no, it dragged like a total 'B', time just seemed to stand still, even after a swift hard kick up the patootie. Passing the time by having to find the perfect dress which was a strapless gold number that dropped glitter everywhere, from Cosmetic Plus I bought a long, fluorescent purple wig, turquoise blue boa, blue glitter eyelashes, glitter makeup and anything else I could find that sparkled. With the dress, since it was to be a night of completely not matching decided to throw in my Doc boots; just to be out there and my blue/purple/gold & black Faery Wings. It was definitely going to be an interesting eve-- to say the very least. And I did hope to look the part; a go-go Faery x 60's Madame or something to that effect.

3pm rocked around and Carol turned up, I grabbed my gear and in a flash was out the door kissing my boys and hubby a fond farewell for the evening. Arriving at Carol's, I got to open my super-fabulous-monolithic-pressie of all pressie presents… and it was… a GORGEOUS white and grey tea set!!! (I do Tasseography/Tea & Coffee Readings) I near died a few times, and after a few tears and being totally STUNNED over such a great present… we got all outrageously done up, right to the hilt. Headed out to the super fabulous entertainment area where Lez (Carol's hubby) had woven leaves through the rafters of the roof, purple and turquoise/teal balloons, velvet table covering and stacks of glitter. Woohoo!!! Glitter everywhere and by the end of the night turquoise boa feathers as well, just like a party should. Already we decided to get into the drinks; Carol with her Bundaberg Rum and me with my Jellybeans (Vodka, Ouzo, Blue Curacao, Lemonade and Grenadine).

One by one all my lovelies arrived with even more fabulous presents-- again I died over and over again; simply because-- I did not expect any presents and was merely happy at being in the company of all my sisters and those friends I loved. From exquisite bath leisure's, to Lucky Beer (in a green glass Buddha shaped bottle) to handmade candles and treasures. I was one spoiled Go-Go Faery that's for sure. To the stunning Lady Beris, Countess Karen, Gypsy Dame Linda, Vixen Tracey & Faery Queen Lolly and Sassy Seven- it was truly a blessing to be surrounded by such magickal women. We laughed, we danced, we shared and chin wagged like chittering chatters, we feasted, we drank and danced some more. A fun evening had by all, that went well into 3 am before we bided Seven off and decided to hit the pillow. Content and hearts full of love and happiness.

Why I wrote this little head's up? It is merely for a simple fact of thanks-- thanks for great fun friends who are eager to share your birthday with you. Those who always are seen with a smile, positive words and positive energies that make you glad to be amongst people you can finally and truly connect with. Thank you to you all for just being yourselves and true to yourselves and lastly… true to me. Your friendships mean the absolute world to me and will for always be treasured in my memories. I love you all with my very essence. Thank you, with all my heart xoxoxo