Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Litha Recipes- Mead & Wine

Always remember to use sterile equipment. Wash everything well and sterilize with boiling water. Use stainless steel pots or enamel ones, never aluminium or iron. Long handled wooden spoons are best for stirring. Small wooden kegs for ginger beer are great if you can get them, but do make sure they didn't contain something other than beer if they are old ones. Large glass carboys are great for wine, but you will have to siphon the wine out into smaller wine bottles when it is ready.

Honeycomb Mead

Place lots of honeycomb in a fairly large pan and cover with cold water and rub about with your hands, squeezing all the nutriment out of it into the water. Strain it through muslin and test with an egg; if the egg floats the mead is strong enough, if it sinks to the bottom a little honey must be added to make it float at the top.

Use 1 dozen cloves and 1 ounce of bruised ginger root to 2 gallons of the syrup. Add and bring it to the boil, then turn down heat and let it simmer, skimming until it is clear.

After it is cool put it in a big gallon bottle, it may ferment for a day or two or it may not. Ready to drink after 3 months or more.

The best of the honeycomb can then be used again--put it into a saucepan, melt it down in boiling water and set it to cool and the bees-wax will be on tip of the water when cold.

Litha Ritual

This special Sabbat is about coming into fullness, fertility, and fruition. The climax. On the Wheel of Time it represents maturity, the stage of the mother. Flowers should be in full bloom, and fruit dropping from the vine. The element associated here is fire, the sun has just entered the sign of Cancer, and the moon is in the sign of Pisces.

Creating Sacred Space
Cleanse Space
Ground and Center
Call Elements
Call the element s

"We honor the energy of the elements within us. We are the Earth. We are the dark, we are heavy, we are substantial. We are grounded. We are water. We are fluid, we are clear, we are vital. We are renewed. We are fire. We are bright, we are hot, we are intense. We are passionate. We are air. We are light, we are movement, we are open. We are changed."

Welcoming The Sun

The Longest Day Ritual

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, this magickal sabbat can be observed with many activities throughout the day involving the warmth of the sun, the abundance of color all around us, new life and warmth. In the morning, before the golden rays of the sun peak above the horizon, light a tall orange candle, and from its flame light four smaller white candles to represent the four seasons, saying: "Father Sun, you illuminate the year and bring forth the warmth into my life that I need to carry with me through the colder months when your golden crest no longer warms my face. May you always burn brightly in my heart, and bring forth the light in my darkest hours." Then, fashion a small hoop from a thin branch,I prefer to use Eucalyptus or Tea Tree due to its healing, cleansing and protective properties. Ignite the hoop and let it burn out in a heat-proof dish. As the Sun rises, snuff or pinch out the candles.

At noon, the solar hour, go into your garden, backyard or wooded area (if you are near one), if you live in the city, buy a tree from your local nursery in a pot and tend to it on your balcony or living room. IF outdoors, elect a tree to honor. We all must remember that trees are living beings who, although are connected to Mother Earth and reach toward Father Sun to complete their growth cycle they are also strongly connected to us, the Spirits and the Fae. Honor your chosen tree with a gift of compost, water, crystals (Jasper, Multi-colored Agate, Calcite- Golden or White, Sedona, Sunstone, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Pyrite, Tiger Eye or any red stone), flowers (Grevillea, Banksia, Gardenia, Tiger Lilly), small tea lights(around the pot), or even have everyone you know over and place a small decoration on the tree branches (if in your garden or balcony).

At sunset, just as the final rays of sun vanish again behind the horizon and the beautiful tones of indigo merge with the resplendant tinctures of reds, oranges and pinks. Light your candles again, and thank the Sun for returning, bringing purification, healing, protection and warmth.