Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's resolutions, what good are they? They go from one year and out the other! Haw haw!.

Who first came up with these pesky little admittions to ones yearly flaws, and why? Don't ask me—I don't know, I sure as smegg did not invent them. And for that matter, who really cares in all actual honesty? No one... not even the cat, dog or budgie. In fact, maybe it would be best to take a page from my Shitzu's life and not worry about esteem, self-improvement or personal hygene. After all... if sleeping in a lavender powder sprinkled soft bed, getting a meal a day, chasing a tail for fun and licking 'B's' is good enough for my dog, it should work for me- with the exception I don't have 'B's' nor a fluffy tail to chase. I can't even lick my elbow, not even if I tried with all my supernatural powers of will and manipulations (don't laugh, I bet you can't do it, either), so I know that tail-chasing is not my cup of sparkling champers or fizzy sherbert jello shots.

It is always the same melodrama, every year when the new year rolls around and after the hangover subsides, I wrack my brain to think of resolutions to improve my life, and my dogs. I've found from 'personal' experience that resolving to win the lottery is not likely to happen, because as an old souls tells me "Ya gotta play it ter win it, Ceri." And if you do not play it... it is not very likely that half of these rich Africans sending out emails promising millions of $$$ are actually going to cash up and get with the green. I was actually thinking of trying a 'Black Cat Mojo' spell for luck and see what pops my way. I guess, to inspire riches or at least a comfortable lifestyle, one must take action and means into their own hands. Like I posted on Stacey Demarco's Facebook "We are masters of our own fate!"
Obviously, I prefer to make resolutions that are a sure thing, and I advise everyone to follow suit. Easy stuff, for example, "Drink as much as possible!", "Eat as much seafood as humanly possible" & "Sleep as much possible" (that usually comes in after the drink and the seafood) -giggles-

One time I resolved to gain weight, and that worked well in terms of easy accomplishment, but not so hot in terms of fitting into a little black number. Not unless you count fitting into it while looking like a Christmas Ham or Cocktail wiener. Admit it; resolving to gain weight is exactly the same as resolving to grow older, it's going to happen whether you resolve yourself to do it or not, whether you like it or not. You can check it off the list with a pretty little glitter sticker or gold pen, but you'll wish you'd chosen something more pizzazzy and exciting--like maybe dying your hair pink and getting your bikini line waxed; far less painful and is guaranteed to look better.

Still, for some odd or macabre reason-- perhaps my brain was taken over by Pazuzu, aliens in tin foil suits, or worse yet, melted by the gerbil working overtime on its wheel, global warming or a simple mental meltdown due to inertness? With a group of buddies, we decided to wing it and go ahead with this little coup of an idea, each and every one of us had to come up with 10 New Year Resolutions. Whether I agreed to do this in a blind stupor or out of morbid curiousity I decided to give it a shot and amuse myself... it surely must beat chasing a tail around in circles until one falls over dizzy (like my dog) and it did not involve my elbow meeting my tongue... maybe involved a few chewed pencils and the eyes popping out of my squishy bop-doll, you know the ones you squeeze when stressed, or something? Multiple cups of coffee and perhaps one or two white streaks in the hair... but here they are.

1. Always check for toilet paper before using a public restroom.
2. Drink more, care less.
3. Personal goal: bring back disco & the go-go boots.
4. I will answer my snail mail with the same bouncy enthusiasm with which I answer my e-mail, and do it with a smile,even a 'Yippee'.
5. I will give up chocolates totally. 100%. Completely. Honestly....

6. Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store.

7. I will stop saying," Ooh, that feels nice" whenever the security guys frisk me at airports. (And that is only because I act suspicious on purpose and not the one flying).
8. I resolve not to see any serial or movie in which any dead character is brought alive. (Seriously, it's starting to get lame).
9. I not pass wind and blame it on my dog (Don't tutt at me, you've done it too, dog/cat or the budgie).
10. I will not reply with 'LOL' when someone says something funny to me.

No, mine were not serious- mine are for cosmetic purposes and in no way shape or form to be taken seriously or to be taken with Tang! On a more serious note however, my New Years Resolutions involves all of the following and in no specific order.

1. Help others & the environment
2. Learn something new
3. Spend more time with family
4. Get in better shape and eat better (not that I eat bad, but more vege's certainly)
5. Relax
6. Give thanks always for the positive things in my life. Be thankful for the beautiful life I lead.
7. Get touch with friends other than using means of the internet.
8. Focus further on my Spiritual Development
9. Learn a new hobby to share with my children
10. Live peacefully, bring nothing but love & light into the lives of all those around me.

In a nutshell of course. If you have any Resolutions for 2010 please feel free to share them <3

Love, Hearts & Gummy Bear parts to you all.
Ararita )O(