Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Daily Rant

It is just a wonderful day, positive thoughts generate positive vibes- or so I say after a couple of cups of coffee and a daily read of the beans. If all is true what the beans spoke, then I am truly in for an interesting year in 2010. Many have spoken about this massive energy change coming through, already on the wings of the wind, so, if this is correct I believe quite a few of us are in for a wild roller-coaster ride, and, what a beautiful change that shall be in opposition to the slow carousel that I endured for the past couple of years. Then again, it is due to my own indolence that it was so. Nothing beats a broomstick up the bum to get one moving, and it is long due that someone in this region stood up, waved their hands about their heads or jumping up and down meeping "Here I am, here I am. I am willing to lend a helping hand". It's true, there are not a whole heap of Pagans/Witches/Wiccan's or other in the area in which I dwell- or so one thought until recently having discovered so many coming out of the broom closet and joining in with the Witchy Jumping Bean Dance. How refreshing it is, to have now a gathering or such beautiful people joining with me, partaking in open circles under the radiance of the moon, sharing wisdom, laughter, failures and successes, supporting one another like brothers and sisters of the Ancient Paths should.

I run a Grove in South-East Queensland with a beautiful group of people, I am not at liberty to state where because we prefer our privacy, especially where the Internet is concerned and the matter of negative peoples and groups here in the area where we live. We prefer to shut out ALL forms of negativity and negative insincere people from contacting us or annoying the beautiful energies we have long fought to maintain due to past associations to these people. However, I am willing to speak to people, even meet them face to face before making any other decisions. I am gracious, and always civil, amicable even-- however I do go by 'first' impressions and my 'intuition' and will either welcome or bid a peaceful adieu. It is never personal, it is never about gossip, but it is all about energy and the 'low' vibrational influences that some do have. Being what I am, I will always offer to heal and give their homes a blessing and an extremely thorough cleansing; but they have to accept that this is so and for many this is where ego steps in and hinders their own growth and spiritual development.

I also do online readings both Tarot (Traditional 21 card Gypsy Spread), Oghams, Sortilege (using bones, stones and other odd bits and pieces), Ceromancy (Candles, mainly the wax), Ouija Board, Zylomancy (wood), Tasseomancy (Tea Leaf) and carious other forms of divination. Of course these come with a price, but that is simply for my time and travel, never for the gift of sight. I also do House Blessings & Cleansings, whether it is to bring peace & love to your home, to stop quarrels, protection or to actually remove a negative force or influence- this also does not come for free, between travel, accommodation costs and the energy that may be involved. However, to discuss prices here, it is neither the time nor the place and every case is different and requires 'special' treatment and much like a doctor is, I am bound by confidentiality and privacy, and this is guaranteed prior to any treatments. My experience has seen at least fourteen years in dealing with this matters, having a diploma of Professional Counselling, Crystal Healing and Shiatsu Massage not to mention Homeopathy & Herbalism. I take great pride and detail in helping others- this is what I was placed upon this Earth to do, and every intention of doing this until I am physically no longer able. It is a joy to help others in their emotional/mental/physical spiritual development, advancement and offer genuine support.

My path has taken many twists and turns and soon to take another as next year I begin my Tsalagi entering into their Priesthood, they do not use the term 'Priestess' under the tutorship of my Spirit Sister. This is an amazing honor, and much respect for the energies involved is second to none. I have seen much in traditional from Gypsy Folk & Balkan Witchcraft (in the beautiful shades of white, grey and black; perfectly balanced), Stregheria & Faery Witchcraft, Ceremonial & High Ceremonial Magick. No, I am not bound by degree nor ever received the 'glory' of High Priestess. Balkan Witchcraft believe is no degree, believes in no coven, no karmic rebound nor the three-fold law. However we are beholden to our own laws and oaths- to heal, to cure, to curse, to protect, to love, but never to hate. Hate is the sickness of the heart and no one can truly follow any path of Witchcraft or any other form of magick when diseased by such an emotion that does eat all energy and any that comes into contact with it. It can become an egregore, or led others to believe of you as a psychic vampire- and no one welcomes them with open arms into any circle. Regardless of how pretty the package may seem, and appear. Never trust in appearances,always trust in yourself and your intuition; it will 'never' fail you.

Should any of you ask if I hold workshops, the answer is also yes but this depending on the numbers, how busy I am and what time I have available as I also do have a family and a home to run, not to mention a very social life outside and inside of what I practise. My time is prioritized from the important to the not so (the wait's I'll get to it soon enough) unfortunately that is where my herb garden was placed until today. Tending to my green babies is where I must place my energy and focus of today, poor neglected little munckins. Then... (hum's and ho's) the laundry...I am sure someone has three-fold hexed me with it, the more I do, the more there seems to be and it is driving me nuts. Then I have a lovely roast lamb order with all the trimmings from the family, including lovely ice cold beer and creaming soda punch. See, I am a normal human being after all, I baked a lemon cake for one of my boys to take to his school break-up party. Then, placing all of this into context, I also have to venture away this weekend to a Pagans Events out of town, then on the trip home, numerous places to stop by and meet up with other Pagans & Witches betwixt there and my home town. Busy, so busy- when shall it stop? I hope it never does. I love my life, I love my friends and family, and I love every aspect of being alive, living and breathing in this wonderful, spectacular world. Blessed and embraced by the Lord & Lady, our Earth Mother & Sky Father, the moon, the sun and all that is between, above and below.

Love, hearts & Gummy Bear parts to you all

Here ends my daily rant/banter...[insert other word here] =)