Always remember to use sterile equipment. Wash everything well and sterilize with boiling water. Use stainless steel pots or enamel ones, never aluminium or iron. Long handled wooden spoons are best for stirring. Small wooden kegs for ginger beer are great if you can get them, but do make sure they didn't contain something other than beer if they are old ones. Large glass carboys are great for wine, but you will have to siphon the wine out into smaller wine bottles when it is ready.
Honeycomb Mead
Place lots of honeycomb in a fairly large pan and cover with cold water and rub about with your hands, squeezing all the nutriment out of it into the water. Strain it through muslin and test with an egg; if the egg floats the mead is strong enough, if it sinks to the bottom a little honey must be added to make it float at the top.
Use 1 dozen cloves and 1 ounce of bruised ginger root to 2 gallons of the syrup. Add and bring it to the boil, then turn down heat and let it simmer, skimming until it is clear.
After it is cool put it in a big gallon bottle, it may ferment for a day or two or it may not. Ready to drink after 3 months or more.
The best of the honeycomb can then be used again--put it into a saucepan, melt it down in boiling water and set it to cool and the bees-wax will be on tip of the water when cold.