It is always beautiful to sit here staring out from my window, looking upon a gorgeous world around me; Australia. Temperate zephyr gently stirring the music of silver tubular chimes, myself captivated, listening to those whispering tunes of sacred song; magpies happily sitting upon the arms of timber rails enjoying their daily feast of fruits and meats that I leave out. How busy the world is all around me, the ants climbing over Grevillea petals, native bees gathering nectar for the hive. How blessed we truly are to be able to sit here and enjoy the nature we have surrounding us. Our picturesque land of varying colors, climates and sand-swept beaches- it is an extremely blessed country with its energies so raw, wild and untapped. An ancient mother, gathering us all up in her arms to embrace us- teach us the way of our land... if only we would open up and allow us to breathe in her essence.
Today I was supposed to finish a set of Native Australian wood Oghams, instead decided to start on a new blog, a fresh one to start of the wonderful New Year. But first, it is time to say farewell to 2009. Where do I start? Myself I find it is best to leave the past behind and focus on the steps that we all must take, forwards. How I tended to my trees, rescued some wildlife and had the pleasure of releasing them back into their natural habitat. Planting new trees, living a healthy lifestyle, how life is supposed to be lived: with joy, laughter and love. My family, friends that are forever etched upon my heart, and then there is also my beloved Grove that grows day by day in such a tremendous encouraging affirmation. What more does one need to become so attached and intone with everything and everyone around us? Truly connected to the energies, wreathed in the magic which co-exists with us, everyday of our life blessed by our Earth Mother, our Sky Father and all that remains betwixt; as the saying goes "As above and so below" I have never heard a more true statement in my entire time, walking along this path adorned in grandiose greens, ambers, scarlets, yellows, creams and pinks.
Even as I sit here typing, my eyes lift up to bask in the radiance of the Poinciana tree's rising from the embankment outside my old worn fence. Hues of rich forestry green and then that spectacular resplendent 'red' of the flowers peeking through the windsong of fluttering, waltzing leaves that dip, weave and spin in each tongue of air. It is so easy while sitting here to become entirely lost in the rapture of this landscape. Who needs the echo of music to accompany it from the I-pod, when it is all a melody of its own and far more magickal than any instrument, voice or rhythm could ever be when in comparison to nature's own heartbeat. Be her wrathful, cruel- even her tyranny can be that of pure destruction… and then, there is that soft persuasion of sunlight, moonlight or breeze kissing your cheek, the glory of her unflawed charm, spellbinding and enchanting. This is where we are, this is where we live and if only more of you could truly tap into the resources around you-- then you could truly see what I see, perfection.